017 REPORT - Fusione Fredda: Potenzialità e Controversie nella Ricerca.

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Report 017

A Comparative Analysis about the Role of Lithium
in A. Rossi’s Patent, F. Piantelli’s Patent
and Open Power’s Patent Application

Fig. 1   Open Power’s   "Upgraded Parkhomov-like"   Reactor in the Safety Chamber under
              temperature, pressure and webcam control  (designed and assembled by Q. Cuccioli

Recently, two important new patents were granted to Andrea Rossi and Francesco Piantelli, as an upgrading of their previous patents (see Appendix for more important details about chronological aspects, and a deeper insight into previous works , e.g. Reginald Little’s)

See A. Rossi ,  US9115913b1,  Fluid heater: https://animpossibleinvention.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/us9115913b1.pdf

and  F.Piantelli , WO2012147045A1,   Method and apparatus for generating energy by nuclear reactions of hydrogen adsorbed by orbital capture on a nanocrystalline structure of a metal http://www.google.com/patents/WO2012147045A1?hl=it&cl=zh
In the present report, a synthetic  comparative analysis of the above mentioned  patents will be drawn with respect to Open Power Patent Application, see:
Differences and analogies will be dealed with, from the Lawson’s Ignition Criteria point of view.
For both patents, the formulation of a reaction model is well beyond the scope of present report, hence the following considerations must be considered only   as a working hypothesis, to be intended not explicitly attributable to A.Rossi or F. Piantelli, or explicitly reported in their patents.
Aim of the report is, by comparing the three positions, to draw an experimental plan designed  for enhancing our preliminary results discussed in previous communications:
and to assemble the corresponding setup suitable for trials.
The reading of a previous our introductory analysis about application of the mentioned  ignition criteria is recommended:
as well as our previous reports about the role of lithium in LENR, parts 1-2-3

Lithium, the lightest   metal in the periodic table, is known to react, at high energies, both with neutrons and protons (respectively, Li 6 and Li  7  contained in the natural composition), to give an high output of energy related to the mass defect in the involved nuclear reactions (see mentioned patents).
The practical unavailability of such ignition  energies, is avoided, both in Rossi’s and Piantelli’s patents, by different but intrinsically similar methods.
According to Lawson’s criteria, an ultradense phase  of reactants (hydrogen-hydrogen, deuterium-deuterium, deuterium-tritium, as far as hydrogen-lithium and so on) at nucleus-nucleus picometer distances, in a small compressed region of reactants, fed by localized energy in the nanosecond range, can react even at a low average energy, giving an exothermal  nuclear fusion process.

To read the full report:

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